Spinoza's Ethics Explained
Spinoza is a 17th-century philosopher who built his philosophy on logic and reason without spirits, magic, or wishful thinking.
His work is laid out as a geometry book, including definitions, axioms, propositions, and proofs.
This book renders Spinoza's Ethics intelligible to a normal, non-academic reader.
Available on Amazon.
Stack360 is a business web application that supports HR, applicant tracking, project management, worker time tracking, customer invoicing, and more.
This book is a system manual that describes how to install, modify, and configure the system.
Available on Amazon.
This user manual acts as a rationale, tutorial, and user manual for the Dynace object-oriented extension to the C programming language.
The Reconciliation of Determinism and Free Will
Do we have free will or is everything a consequence of prior deterministic causes? Find out here.
What is true and how can you tell? Find out here.
Find out what meditation is, what types there are, and how to do it.
Why do people do the things they do? Find out here.
A new method for organizing teams at work to increase productivity.
Where do I see the future of mankind?
Religion, Philosophy, and Morals
A simple diagram that shows the relationship between religion, philosophy, and morals.
Spinoza's Attributes and the Human Mind
One of the central themes in the first part of Spinoza's Ethics is the notion of attributes. This is an idea that has vexed
philosophers for hundreds of years. This essay fully explains this notion.